A 30-Minute Full-Body Mat Pilates with Weights
Hello, welcome to a 30-minute mat workouts with weights. I’m so excited that you’re here, it’s really important that you celebrate that you have made it here and any amount of minutes of this workout that you do is awesome. All right, so we’re gonna work on our entire body. We’re gonna use these weights, it’s going to help us connect our arms to our back, which is a very important connection you need in your Pilates practice.
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Hi, I’m Lesley Logan, the co-founder of onlinepilatesclasses.com I’ve been teaching Pilates since 2008. My teacher was taught by Joseph Pilates and I truly love helping you make connections to your body in this method because I know that how you are on this mat is how you do other things in life. And so I’m really excited to guide you here and help you have the most amazing day after this.
Enhance Your Pilates Exercises with Weights or Creative Alternatives
We’re gonna get started with our mat workouts with weights. You can use one or two pound weights, if you already have those. These are Naboso, the link is in the show notes below. If you don’t have lightweights, you’re gonna use water bottles or cans of soup or whatever, as long as they’re the same thing. So if they weight the same, it’s totally fine. Or you can use your imagination – all these exercises in our pilates with weights workout can be effectively performed even without the weights.

Also we have other mat classes on this channel, so make sure you check them out. There’s a beginner level one as well. So if you’re new, and you want to check that out to build your foundations, you absolutely can. But when in doubt, leave the exercise out. We are going to progress as a class to some exercises that might be out of your practice. That doesn’t mean you turn this class off when you stop, it actually means that you replace it with something else you already did, to build your foundation, to build your endurance. And remember, it’s brave and courageous to replace an exercise you can’t do yet with one you can do. That’s what we tell our members OPC every single day. So let’s get into it.
Follow This Exercise Guide:
- • Footwork
- • 100
- • Roll Up
- • Single Leg Circle
- • Rolling Like a Ball
- • Single Leg Stretch
- • Double Leg Stretch
- • Single Straight Leg Stretch
- • Spine Stretch Forward
- • Rowing on the Mat
- • Saw
- • Single Leg Kick
- • Double Leg Kick
- • Thigh Stretch
- • Spine Twist
- • Side Leg Kicks
- • Teaser
- • Swimming
- • Leg Pull Front
- • Kneeling Side Kicks
- • Side Bend
- • Seal
- • Standing Arm Springs Exercises on the Mat
- Boxing
- Sparklers
- Shave
- Hug
- Chest Expansion
- Butterfly
Thank you so much. You’ve made it to the end, you are incredibly awesome. And I want you to celebrate yourself. So important that you do because too often we’re like ‘I couldn’t do half these exercises’ we focus on what we can’t do. And at onlinepilatesclasses.com you have constant reminders with accountability and community to celebrate what you did do. We believe that finishing is optional. If you log in and press play, then you did it, right? If you do five minutes, it’s more than most people will give themselves. And it’s so important that you know that. We tend to be perfectionists with everything. It’s all or nothing, no pain, no gain, but the truth is, is that it’s actually about showing up and doing what it is possible. And celebrating that because that’s what creates a habit, especially in our mat workouts with weights. Remember, each small step counts, and you’ve already taken a huge one by completing this workout.”
Boost Your Pilates Experience at OnlinePilatesClasses.com
At onlinepilatesclasses.com we release a new workout on the mat and reformer every single Tuesday. If you don’t have access to a reformer do not worry about it because you can have a mat only membership. And on the first of every month, we actually release 50 minute classes, five zero on the mat, reformer, Cadillac tower and Wunda chair.
The monthly classes have a theme so you can see how all those exercises work together. The weekly classes have a theme so you can see how those exercises work together. But again, you purchase the membership that is based on the equipment you have access to. And no matter what your level is at onlinepilatesclasses.com, our teachers, we really, truly make sure that you know what you can do with the exercise that may not be possible in your body. We believe in accountability and accessibility. And we have modifications if you need them, because everyone is on their own journey.
Get Feedback, Community Support, and On-Demand Access at OPC
As I mentioned in class, you can send in a video of yourself, doing an exercise to get feedback that can help you make sure that you have your feet in the right place, your hands in the right place, or that you’re working from the same place, right? It’s not easy to do this on your own, but it is more accessible when you have it on demand. And when you have a community and teachers who are there to help personalize it for you. I mean, it’s almost like going to a studio right? But for the price of on-demand.
So check out onlinepilatesclasses.com/free so you can get our trial offer. If you have any questions put in the comments below. Remember, I do go live on Sundays at 9am. But if you’re an OPC member, any question you have gets answered every single day in our members only community.
Thank you so much for letting me work out with you today. Thank you so much for letting me pour into you. You do amazing things in this world. And I am so grateful. So thank you for being here and have an amazing day.