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Tips to Thrive in this New Normal

  • Author: lesley.logan
  • May 7, 2020
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Tips to Thrive in this New Normal - Online Pilates Classes

You miss things about your old life. You wish you things could go back to normal. Maybe you’re not able to work the way you used to. Or, you can’t go to your favorite classes, gym, restaurants? You’re itching to get out and every day seems to be a freaking roller coaster of emotions. After 8 weeks of quarantine and 10 weeks of not being in my pre-rona life, I have found that all the things I wish I had are available to me. I mean, I am not traveling which is the one thing I miss in this “new normal” but before all this happened I wished I had “time” for a lot of things. And, now I do. We all do. The key though is to embrace it. And, that might be the hardest thing outside of dealing with the virus. Here are some of my best tips for thriving during this time:

Embrace it! Seriously, you can try to swim against the stream or you can flow with it. Which one is easier? I am going to tell you right now that it is much easier to focus on what you can do in this time than what you not able to do anymore. And, you may find yourself surprised at what you like about the changes you have to make.  If you miss something so much ask yourself how could you do it in this new normal? You just might be surprised!

Get back to your vision board.  Yep, what does your future look like? Is that still possible? Chances are yeah! Just not the way you wanted. And, you might even surprise yourself with new details you want to add. At the beginning of this time Brad and I sat down and each wrote down what we wanted in the next 12 months. What we want is still a stepping stone to our bigger picture vision. And, on a faster timeline because why wait?! Will it be easy? No. But, because we know what we want we can work backwards to today and make decisions on what to say ‘yes’ to and what to say ‘no’ to. What to reconfigure and get creative to make happen and what to let the pandemic takeaway.

Get a little selfish. I am not talking about the kind of selfishness where you hoard toilet paper. I am talking about the kind of selfishness where you get clear on what you need to be happy and energized each day. Your friends may want to talk to you every day on the phone but that doesn’t mean that makes you feel awesome. So, pay attention to what is bothering you and create boundaries to allow yourself to have those friends and family in your life but in the times, days, and way that allows you to be the awesome version of yourself. For example, I can only do so many calls and meetings in a day. If my work takes all of those then I cannot add a friend call. So, if I want to have time for my friends then I have to be mindful of what I say yes to. Or, I have to have more friend calls on one day and none on another.  I also do not like to engage with people before 7 am. Not because I am not a morning person but because I am and that time is really special to me. So I do not get on social or my texts and emails until 7 if I can help it and I enjoy 2+ hours to myself each morning. And let’s be honest, does that sound selfish? No, it sounds like I am being honest with what I need to be me. So, go ahead feel like you’re being selfish but then remember that you’re honoring what you need.

Be careful of what you let in your ears. What podcasts, tv shows, audiobooks do you need to feel like you can take on the day? Or, get a good night sleep? The shows I can watch at night have shifted especially since the quarantine. I am binging out on comedians or even 80’s and 90’s movies I know end on a high note. I am listening to podcasts by people who are DOING IT! They are not lamenting about what they can’t do they are talking about what they can and will and are doing. The books I am reading and listening to are teaching me something. If you are struggling with feeling good each day do an inventory about what you are listening to and watching too. Maybe you just need to swap some shows out and keep the vibrations high!

Keep exercising!! Get more steps in than you’re used to. Get a workout routine in place and keep it. Even on the days, you don’t feel like it get your move on. There is a massive difference between the clients I teach and the friends and family I talk to who are working out daily and those who are inconsistent. Grab your calendar and write down what movement you are going to do each day. And, why not do Pilates with me? My online classes include accountability and a fabulous community!

I could go on and on but it is easy to get overwhelmed during this time. So, give these a try and let me know which ones are working for you and if you’re struggling with something I didn’t share let me know. Maybe I have a suggestion!

This is a very weird and unprecedented time. But, it doesn’t have to be a time where you lose who you are. It doesn’t have to be a time where you are waiting for this to pass. What if this time could be where you become even more yourself? What if you could come out of this thriving?


By lesley.logan

Lesley Logan, NCPT, is the founder of OnlinePilatesClasses.com, the first free online catalogue of Pilates exercise tutorial videos, where you can also find weekly online mat classes and workshops. When not teaching from her studio in Los Angeles, Lesley can be found traveling the world leading Pilates retreats, or offering Pilates business coaching to studio owners and other instructors through her private mastermind group. Connect with Lesley on instagram @lesley.logan or through the contact page on this site.

Loving this Pilates exercise tutorial? Take weekly online Pilates mat classes with Lesley Logan.
Enjoying Lesley's teaching style? Willing to travel? Explore the world while maintaining your practice by joining Lesley on a Pilates retreat.

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Teaser is probably one of the most photographed exercises in Pilates. Which makes people think it's a "peak pose." But, it's anything but! It's simply another layer to your Pilates practice. This week we will acknowledge how each exercise contributes to your ability to do Teaser (someday) and then how Teaser teaches you where to get curious in your practice.

On the Mat we will use light weights for one round of Teaser as they can be helpful for those still adding into their practice.
No props on the Reformer.

See you in class,


MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self, light weights and a Mat!

>> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a Reformer!

>> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Let's clean up our transitions!

Are you aware of your movement going from one exercise to the next in your practice? If yes – great! I will show you more options to flow through your workout. If the answer is no – even better! Let's bring more fluidity in your Mat and Reformer practice.

We will move smoothly through the order by focusing on transition exercises which keep us connected and concentrated.

Additional Push Ups, Teasers, and Tables will make our workout feel like dancing through the order or flow through a sun salutation.

See you in class,

MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

>> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

>> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Surprise! It has nothing to do with the Hug exercise on the Reformer. This class is all about hugging to the midline and staying connected to your center. Pay close attention to what's turning on and what's supporting you so you can apply it to future classes. Get ready, let's go hug it out!

Mat class: Magic Circle or a ball or a toy you can squeeze. Want an extra challenge? Grab a marble or quarter!
Reformer class: No props needed.

See ya in class,
xx~LL 💋



Have you ever done a Barre Workout? Yes, No, Maybe So?
While the moves may be a little different than what we’re used to, the spirit is pure Pilates!!

This month we’ll take the best of what Barre-work has to offer…think combinations of long and short movements, great breath focus, strength and flexibility training, or just adding a pole to our work..and we’ll apply these ideas to our 50 Minute Classes!

On the Mat, grab your Pilates pole or a Swiffer handle and a ball.
The Tower/Cadillac already comes with barres and poles, so let’s explore how to get the most out of this equipment!
On the Reformer: no added props
And the Wunda Chair: no added props

See ya in class,
xx-LL 💋


Online Mat, Reformer, Cadillac & Wunda Chair Pilates Class Descriptions:

Pilates is one of the few movement practices that focuses on our side body! And, our side body is what keep us from falling! And, it's also integral to our posture. So, let's nerd out with our Wild Sides!

Let's have fun focusing on twisting, side bending and the spine shapes in between that help and our helped by our Wild Sides!

Mat class: Magic Circle
Reformer class: No props needed
Tower/Cadillac class: A reformer pole and the reformer box, but both are technically optional!
Wunda Chair class: Theraband or an old pair of leggings!

See ya in class,
xx-LL 💋


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

It's easy to default to saying "we have a weaker side" on our body. Instead, think about it as which side of your body needs a little more encouragement or coordination! This week we will focus on becoming aware of which side of your body in the asymmetrical exercises that we do is actually needed another moment - or second chance - at the exercise!

No props needed.

See ya in class,
xx-LL 💋

MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

>> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

>> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Let’s get our Open Leg Rocker on!! This Pilates Mat classic works the abs, massages the spine, improves balance, and promotes flexibility. We’ll work on ways to grow into this exercise, or if you’re already a rocker, we’ll have some fun variations. We’ll use the Reformer to helps us find more length & strength…and sneak in some Open Leg Rocker there, too! We won’t need any props in either the Mat or Reformer, just bring your Rock-Star selves!

See you in class,


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Let’s get our Open Leg Rocker on!! This Pilates Mat classic works the abs, massages the spine, improves balance, and promotes flexibility. We’ll work on ways to grow into this exercise, or if you’re already a rocker, we’ll have some fun variations. We’ll use the Reformer to helps us find more length & strength…and sneak in some Open Leg Rocker there, too! We won’t need any props in either the Mat or Reformer, just bring your Rock-Star selves!

See you in class,

    MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

    >> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

    REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

    >> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


    Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

    Let's clean up our transitions!

    Are you aware of your movement going from one exercise to the next in your practice? If yes – great! I will show you more options to flow through your workout. If the answer is no – even better! Let's bring more fluidity in your Mat and Reformer practice.

    We will move smoothly through the order by focusing on transition exercises which keep us connected and concentrated.

    Additional Push Ups, Teasers, and Tables will make our workout feel like dancing through the order or flow through a sun salutation.

    No props needed.

    See you in class,


    Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

    As we all get older, your balance may be something you notice declines. I love working on balance because if you’re not present in the moment, or even thinking of something else, you can lose your balance. You can also lose your balance by favoring one side more than the other, whether it’s right/left sides in terms of limbs, or inner and outer edges of the foot that you’re standing on.

    Let's check in with our balance in this week's classes. In fact, we're going to bookend our classes - a balance check at the start of class, and at the end of class - to see how our practice affected our balance.

    No props for the mat or reformer.

    See you in class,

    MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

    >> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

    REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

    >> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


    Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

    It's easy to default to saying "we have a weaker side" on our body. Instead, think about it as which side of your body needs a little more encouragement or coordination! This week we will focus on becoming aware of which side of your body in the asymmetrical exercises that we do is actually needed another moment - or second chance - at the exercise!

    No props needed.

    See ya in class,
    xx-LL 💋

    UP, UP, & AWAY


    We are all going to feel like Super Humans after this month!!

    Whenever I’m in a hard exercise (for me) where I’m holding myself up with my arms and reaching my legs away I picture myself with super human strength!!! I can do ANYTHING! It makes me smile and helps me stay STRONG.

    This month our exercise is Up Stretch and when you think about it - reaching your legs away and staying strong over the carriage may feel a lot like flying!

    We’ll be focusing on stabilizing our strong cores while staying equally balanced in our arms and legs. We are giving you some amazing building blocks by merging strength and stretch in all directions. You are going to get a little bit of everything that you can use to connect to your Up Stretch (and even your Roll Up and Knee Stretches Off).

    Chair: Please have a foam roller and a balance pad available. We are going to challenge your balance safely.
