That question gets asked a lot!
Well, OPC is not your typical membership site where you sign up and have access to all the classes that were ever recorded.
While we are working on different memberships that may incorporate some of that for the future, one of the ideas behind these weekly mat and reformer classes is ACCOUNTABILITY.
Just think of it as if you were taking class at your local studio… once class has happened, it’s over and done with! Hence the reason why you add those classes into your calendar and make sure not to miss them.
Well, we would encourage you to do the same with your OPC classes. Schedule yourself first! Add a 30 minute slot to your weekly calendar (or more than one because you can take class as many times as you want while it is live!) and don’t miss a single class from Lesley, because once the new class is up, the old one is gone!
If you are looking for more mat classes that you could take and that won’t go away, take a look at these 9 Maui Mat classes from one of Lesley’s retreats there with Arlene!
For those of you who have never taken a class from Lesley, here’s a free class, on the house. Lesley filmed this while at the PMA in Las Vegas. Enjoy!
If you’re new to Pilates, make sure to check out Lesley’s Intro to Pilates series of 3 fifteen minute classes.
As always, if you have any questions you can message us!
xx~LL and team 💋 !