- Difficulty: Beginner
- Equipment Needed: Cadillac or Tower, Leg Springs (I love using the Contrology Cadillac.)
- Reps: 3-5
- Warning: Not ideal for some knee or back issues.
- Questions: Contact us here
Frogs with Leg Springs on the Cadillac
Leg Springs on the Pilates Cadillac or Tower is a series that will meet you where you are! Frogs with Leg Springs is one of the most basic of the exercises. And it’s also one that you will eventually leave out of the series because you are doing a Frog in between every other Leg Spring variation. Use this exercise if you are struggling to connect your legs to your center on the Mat or Reformer. The springs can really help you feel where your legs are reaching from and how to control them in and out.
Keep heels hugging together on the way in and out. Stand in the loops!
Laying on your back with your head towards the springs. Easiest is a hands distance from the edge of the mat with your hands on the vertical poles slightly higher than your elbows. Harder is to work your arms towards straight, hands slightly higher than your shoulders. Reaching your arms from your back. Place your feet in the loops, heels hug together toes and knees are part. Hips are down on the mat. The springs might pull your hips up, make sure you’re in control of the springs and your entire pelvis is on the mat.
Keeping your feet reaching along the same trajectory reach your legs straight towards a diagonal. Hugging your heels tight together bend your knees and resist the springs closed. If as you reach your legs to straight they begin to lift that is the springs opening you! If as you reach your legs out the legs lower down you’re hanging out in the springs. Imagine your legs are reaching out along a glass table. Keep them on the same line on the way in and on the way out.
Be sure to check out more of my Pilates Cadillac exercises. I want to help you continue your Pilates Cadillac training!