- Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced
- Equipment Needed: Cadillac or Tower, Roll Back Bar (I love using the Contrology Cadillac.)
- Reps: 3-5 each side
- Warning: Not ideal for some knee, lower back, shoulder or neck issues.
- Questions: Contact us here
Single Leg Squats with Roll Back Bar on the Cadillac
Single Leg Squats on the Pilates Cadillac or Tower with the Roll Back Bar are a great way to level up your Squats! The Roll Back Bar is a great place to learn Squats and Single Leg Squats before doing them with the Arm Springs or on the Reformer. When learning the Single Leg Squat with the Roll Back Bar note that the transitions are not as smooth as with the Arm Springs. But, the bar allows you to use balance out any asymmetrical strengths/weaknesses you may have. Once you feel you have it down swap the Roll Back Bar for the Arm Springs.
Lift your chest and elbows up as you squat down. Reach leg from center.
-Lesley Logan
Typically done after Squats with two legs. If transitioning from the Squats to one leg you will want to reset your feet from parallel and a hip distance apart to heels together and toes apart. Standing facing the Roll Back Bar heels together, toes apart, shoulders over hips and hips over heels. Hold the bar wide with both hands, thumbs wrapped around. Elbows bent and at shoulder height. It’s not a bicep curl so keep elbows bent more than 90 degrees. Reach one leg straight out and ideally at the level of your hip. But, can be wherever you can reach it out from your center.
Without bending the elbows Squat down on one leg and then stand back up. Repeat and switch legs. If going well add in the same forward fold as with two legs.
Flip the palms over on the bar and reach the bar for the floor under your shoulders. As you round forward your leg sweeps and reaches back. Pull the bar to your shin and then reach it back under your shoulders. Roll up to standing and reach the leg forward. Repeat. If going well put the two actions together.
Squat down on one leg, stand up round forward and sweep the leg back. Reach the bar for the floor and then to your shins. Then back under your shoulders. Roll up and reach the leg forward. Repeat and then switch sides.
Be sure to check out more of my Pilates Cadillac exercises. I want to help you continue your Pilates Cadillac training!