- Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate
- Equipment Needed: Wunda Chair (I love using the Balanced Body Wunda Chair.)
- Reps: 3-5 of each
- Warning: Not ideal for some neck or lower back issues.
- Questions: Contact us here
Double Leg Stretch (Ab Series 2/5) on the Wunda Chair
Double Leg Stretch on top of the Pilates Wunda Chair is a great way to challenge your Mat Pilates practice. You’ll be using less of the “mat” as you reach your arms and legs away. Double Leg Stretch is challenged on the Wunda Chair because you can be tempted to lower your chest where the mat is missing. Give this a try and the rest of the Pilates ab series.
Reach your arms from your back and legs from you center for length.
Typically done after Single Leg Stretch on top of the chair. You can transition right into the Double Leg Stretch by bending both knees into your chest and place one hand on each ankle. Hug your heels together and your knees and toes are slightly apart. If setting up separate from the Single Leg Stretch lay on the top of the chair either the long way (easier) or the short way (harder). Bring your knees into your chest and place one hand on each ankle or shin. Hug your heels together and your knees and toes slightly apart. Curl your head and chest up.
Maintaining the lift in your chest reach your arms straight up overhead and your legs long to the high diagonal. Circle the arms around and pull the knees back into your chest. Give a 2nd pull and then repeat. When done you can transition into Single Straight Leg Stretch on top of the Wunda Chair or sit up to take a break.
Be sure to check out more of my Wunda Chair workout videos. I want to help you continue your Pilates Wunda Chair training!