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Gut Issues: The Healing Journey

  • Author: lesley.logan
  • May 27, 2018
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gut issues the healing journey thegem blog - Online Pilates Classes

Last year I told you about my stomach issues and my attempts to figure it all out. And then I even received some amazing help and if you read any of those blog posts then you know it’s been one bumpy ride. What I haven’t done in a year is share how it’s all been going. And, more importantly, answered some of your questions! Many of you have wondered exactly how I have been able to do Pilates given my stomach pains. Others, how I traveled with digestive issues. This week let’s discuss how I was able to do Pilates given the constant roller coaster of pain, bloating and discomfort.

My stomach issues didn’t reach a breaking point until about four years, maybe five years ago. Before then, starting in 2007 I was able to try different tactics to help me get a break from my digestive issues. Everything I tried would work for a little bit and then it wouldn’t.

Have you ever experienced that? I first tossed out dairy, gluten, and soy. WOW! The feelings of energy, better sleep, and fewer stomach problems were quick to appear. I thought I had it all figured out and would just have to avoid those few things. This new found strength and energy made doing Pilates easy and fun! Plus, I had way less inflammation so my stomach problems didn’t cause me troubles during Pilates. In fact, I often felt better after having done Pilates!

Over time the effects of being dairy, soy and gluten free started to wain. My stomach issues became more frequent and causing problems in my life, including Pilates. I had such a hard time “feeling” my center because my center would often be working its way towards distention. I became really good at trusting the method and the movement. And, I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense, especially if you are a potential Pilates student or a regular Pilates practitioner. But, Pilates was my distraction from the pain.

Pilates isn’t something you can do mindlessly and its also not something you should do too slowly, too micromanaged. It’s a movement that requires you to be present on what is moving where and what your body is connecting to or flowing through. And, while I would walk in thanking the universe for baggy pants and loose fitting clothes on some of my worst days I would leave and realize that for about 50 min I didn’t even think about my stomach. I couldn’t even feel the pain.

Pilates became my retreat! And, I made sure that I almost never missed a day. As time went on and my digestive issues grew to be more than I could bear and more than doctors could figure out I started to lose strength.

The thing about digestive issues is that they rarely just mean embarrassing moments of bloat. When you have gut issues it’s not just your appearance that takes a beating. It can affect you hormonally, nutritionally and mentally!

Last year, after feeling like I was losing all the strength and stamina that I had gained in the previous 9 years I found out I kind of was. The levels of metal in my system from our water and living in a city of smoke was causing my brains messages to my body to be blocked. I was no longer digesting proteins properly, vitamin d and b12 were almost non-existent.

I could go on and on! But, after years of the doctors not figuring out the issue my body was starting to fail me. And, not only did that mean it was affecting my day to day life it was affecting my Pilates practice too.

What used to be my solace from my digestive turmoil became the place where I could clearly see I was getting sicker.

A year after I finally got results that made sense and started the journey of healing my body I still am in repair mode. But, wow! Let me tell you that as I sit here sharing this with you I am a hundred times better. I am not in daily pain. I also have the energy and will to workout and that means my Pilates practice is back on and at a level that challenges me.

I have no idea the cause, I wish I did. I wish I could tell you this is what caused it so that others wouldn’t have to go through what I did. But, what I can say is this, do not stop searching for answers. It took me leaving my doctors to get answers but that might not be the same for you.

What I do know is that movement helped me more than anything. Doing Pilates is what helped me realize I wasn’t feeling well. I went from having the strength to do anything to lethargy. Then, Pilates became a space where I didn’t have to be the girl with stomach issues. And, in time revealed to me that I was actually getting worse. I have no idea how long it would have taken me to realize that had I not be doing Pilates. Now, Pilates is showing me just how far along I have come.

If you are suffering from stomach or digestive issues and you’re cleared for exercise I do recommend trying Pilates. I know it seems like the last kind of workout you would want to do but Pilates really allows you to have your own growth and journey. You use your whole body in every session, not just your abs.

Next time we talk gut issues I’ll share my travel tips! Because, even if you have never suffered issues from the gut my travel advice will help you get anywhere you want to go and feeling so good!


PS if you have a story you want to share with me I would love to hear it! It’s so important to not keep it to yourself. One of the hardest parts of not feeling well was the loneliness it brought along with it. Share your story below or connect with me on Instagram.

By lesley.logan

Lesley Logan, NCPT, is the founder of OnlinePilatesClasses.com, the first free online catalogue of Pilates exercise tutorial videos, where you can also find weekly online mat classes and workshops. When not teaching from her studio in Los Angeles, Lesley can be found traveling the world leading Pilates retreats, or offering Pilates business coaching to studio owners and other instructors through her private mastermind group. Connect with Lesley on instagram @lesley.logan or through the contact page on this site.

Loving this Pilates exercise tutorial? Take weekly online Pilates mat classes with OPC Teachers.
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Teaser is probably one of the most photographed exercises in Pilates. Which makes people think it's a "peak pose." But, it's anything but! It's simply another layer to your Pilates practice. This week we will acknowledge how each exercise contributes to your ability to do Teaser (someday) and then how Teaser teaches you where to get curious in your practice.

On the Mat we will use light weights for one round of Teaser as they can be helpful for those still adding into their practice.
No props on the Reformer.

See you in class,


MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self, light weights and a Mat!

>> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a Reformer!

>> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Let's clean up our transitions!

Are you aware of your movement going from one exercise to the next in your practice? If yes – great! I will show you more options to flow through your workout. If the answer is no – even better! Let's bring more fluidity in your Mat and Reformer practice.

We will move smoothly through the order by focusing on transition exercises which keep us connected and concentrated.

Additional Push Ups, Teasers, and Tables will make our workout feel like dancing through the order or flow through a sun salutation.

See you in class,

MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

>> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

>> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Surprise! It has nothing to do with the Hug exercise on the Reformer. This class is all about hugging to the midline and staying connected to your center. Pay close attention to what's turning on and what's supporting you so you can apply it to future classes. Get ready, let's go hug it out!

Mat class: Magic Circle or a ball or a toy you can squeeze. Want an extra challenge? Grab a marble or quarter!
Reformer class: No props needed.

See ya in class,
xx~LL 💋



Have you ever done a Barre Workout? Yes, No, Maybe So?
While the moves may be a little different than what we’re used to, the spirit is pure Pilates!!

This month we’ll take the best of what Barre-work has to offer…think combinations of long and short movements, great breath focus, strength and flexibility training, or just adding a pole to our work..and we’ll apply these ideas to our 50 Minute Classes!

On the Mat, grab your Pilates pole or a Swiffer handle and a ball.
The Tower/Cadillac already comes with barres and poles, so let’s explore how to get the most out of this equipment!
On the Reformer: no added props
And the Wunda Chair: no added props

See ya in class,
xx-LL 💋


Online Mat, Reformer, Cadillac & Wunda Chair Pilates Class Descriptions:

Pilates is one of the few movement practices that focuses on our side body! And, our side body is what keep us from falling! And, it's also integral to our posture. So, let's nerd out with our Wild Sides!

Let's have fun focusing on twisting, side bending and the spine shapes in between that help and our helped by our Wild Sides!

Mat class: Magic Circle
Reformer class: No props needed
Tower/Cadillac class: A reformer pole and the reformer box, but both are technically optional!
Wunda Chair class: Theraband or an old pair of leggings!

See ya in class,
xx-LL 💋


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

It's easy to default to saying "we have a weaker side" on our body. Instead, think about it as which side of your body needs a little more encouragement or coordination! This week we will focus on becoming aware of which side of your body in the asymmetrical exercises that we do is actually needed another moment - or second chance - at the exercise!

No props needed.

See ya in class,
xx-LL 💋

MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

>> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

>> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Let’s get our Open Leg Rocker on!! This Pilates Mat classic works the abs, massages the spine, improves balance, and promotes flexibility. We’ll work on ways to grow into this exercise, or if you’re already a rocker, we’ll have some fun variations. We’ll use the Reformer to helps us find more length & strength…and sneak in some Open Leg Rocker there, too! We won’t need any props in either the Mat or Reformer, just bring your Rock-Star selves!

See you in class,


Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

Let’s get our Open Leg Rocker on!! This Pilates Mat classic works the abs, massages the spine, improves balance, and promotes flexibility. We’ll work on ways to grow into this exercise, or if you’re already a rocker, we’ll have some fun variations. We’ll use the Reformer to helps us find more length & strength…and sneak in some Open Leg Rocker there, too! We won’t need any props in either the Mat or Reformer, just bring your Rock-Star selves!

See you in class,

    MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

    >> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

    REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

    >> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


    Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

    Let's clean up our transitions!

    Are you aware of your movement going from one exercise to the next in your practice? If yes – great! I will show you more options to flow through your workout. If the answer is no – even better! Let's bring more fluidity in your Mat and Reformer practice.

    We will move smoothly through the order by focusing on transition exercises which keep us connected and concentrated.

    Additional Push Ups, Teasers, and Tables will make our workout feel like dancing through the order or flow through a sun salutation.

    No props needed.

    See you in class,


    Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

    As we all get older, your balance may be something you notice declines. I love working on balance because if you’re not present in the moment, or even thinking of something else, you can lose your balance. You can also lose your balance by favoring one side more than the other, whether it’s right/left sides in terms of limbs, or inner and outer edges of the foot that you’re standing on.

    Let's check in with our balance in this week's classes. In fact, we're going to bookend our classes - a balance check at the start of class, and at the end of class - to see how our practice affected our balance.

    No props for the mat or reformer.

    See you in class,

    MAT EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a mat!

    >> Wondering what mat I’m using? You can find out more here.

    REFORMER EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Your awesome self and a reformer!

    >> Wondering what reformer I’m using? You can find out more here.


    Online Mat & Reformer Pilates Class Descriptions:

    It's easy to default to saying "we have a weaker side" on our body. Instead, think about it as which side of your body needs a little more encouragement or coordination! This week we will focus on becoming aware of which side of your body in the asymmetrical exercises that we do is actually needed another moment - or second chance - at the exercise!

    No props needed.

    See ya in class,
    xx-LL 💋

    UP, UP, & AWAY


    We are all going to feel like Super Humans after this month!!

    Whenever I’m in a hard exercise (for me) where I’m holding myself up with my arms and reaching my legs away I picture myself with super human strength!!! I can do ANYTHING! It makes me smile and helps me stay STRONG.

    This month our exercise is Up Stretch and when you think about it - reaching your legs away and staying strong over the carriage may feel a lot like flying!

    We’ll be focusing on stabilizing our strong cores while staying equally balanced in our arms and legs. We are giving you some amazing building blocks by merging strength and stretch in all directions. You are going to get a little bit of everything that you can use to connect to your Up Stretch (and even your Roll Up and Knee Stretches Off).

    Chair: Please have a foam roller and a balance pad available. We are going to challenge your balance safely.
