So, here is the deal, I do feel my heart rate go up while doing Pilates. I also feel it go down and then up again. Some sessions are less intense and others can be made more intense and you can add the jump board in and totally move the dial on your heart rate. But, is Pilates a Cardio workout? Well, most of the time I would say no. And, maybe sometimes yes.
I know, that’s an annoying answer. But, allow me to explain. According to, a cardio workout is “Cardio refers to any activity that increases heart rate and respiration while using large muscle groups repetitively and rhythmically.” And, Pilates is not about repetition. We do many exercises but with few repetitions and we focus on using the whole body, not just the larger muscle groups. But, as I mentioned when we add a jump board to our Pilates session we can get a burst of cardio activity.
Now, if you’re looking to burn calories depending on the level of your session and if you’re a male or female you can burn around 300+ calories in an hour. But, more importantly, because Pilates is a strength based workout, not a cardio workout you’ll up your metabolism far beyond just the hour you workout. Whereas, in a cardio workout the extra calorie output ends when the cardio ends.
Pilates can be done at all levels of all the equipment or just one piece of the equipment. You can enjoy classes at studios, your gym, in a private one-on-one session or online with me at home! Online Pilates classes are a great way to add Pilates to your life and you can do it after you go for your aerobic workout!
If you’re looking to get more cardio in I highly recommend adding in a regular cardio exercise like walking, running, biking etc. Use Pilates to help strengthen your body to make your cardio form better. Pilates trains the body to work symmetrically, in unison and from a place of connection. Pilates really does make everything you are already doing better. So, allow Pilates to rock your cardio world!
If you are wanting more info about Pilates classes to check out this blog here and here. And, should you be sore after Pilates here!