Alright, so the title of this week’s blog is a bit of a lie! I do not make resolutions. I set personal goals that are in line with my vision and how I want to feel as I go through life. As I achieve my personal goals (and sometimes I don’t, and I have to readjust my timeline or the goal itself), I take stock of where I have been and where I am going. But, how are these not the same as resolutions? And, what are my goals for 2018?
First, Resolutions are often vague. Maybe yours are not, but generally people say things like: Get Healthy, Save Money, Build my business, Sleep more. See how those are vague? They don’t let us know how much money they want to save, what “healthy” means, what is the bright line for “building” or how much more someone wants to sleep. And sometimes they are delusional. If you have a brand new baby sleeping more is going to be so hard and not fair to you. You’ll feel like a failure on the first day. Or, quadruple my income. Well, maybe that is possible but without a plan that is tough and, most people can probably double their income in a year but quadruple?
Goals are projects (please note not all projects are goals) and they are measurable. They also are outside our comfort zone but not delusional.
When you sit down to set your personal goals take some time to make sure these goals are stepping stones to the life you want to be living and not just goals that sound good or that your friends are doing. For more on this check out this blog I wrote on setting and achieving goals.
Once you have your personal goals for 2018 set, write them down! Studies show that people who write their goals down are 42% more likely to achieve them if they write them down.
Here are a few of my personal goals:
Create VIP Membership for Profitable Pilates
Double Online Teaching Sessions
Add Three More Pilates Retreats to the Calendar
Take 2 Personal Vacations
Meditate Daily
I would love to hear some of your personal goals! Comment below or contact me here.