- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment Needed: Cadillac or Tower, Push Thru Bar (I love using the Contrology Cadillac.)
- Reps: 3-5
- Warning: Not ideal for some neck and shoulder issues.
- Questions: Contact us here
Swan Prep with Push Thru Bar on the Cadillac
Pilates Swan is an exercise you can do on every piece of equipment. Learning the Swan Prep is key for any Swan you do. The Swan Prep on the Pilates Cadillac or Tower is a great place to start. It’s also useful for teaching your Swan on the Mat. When doing Swan on the Cadillac, Tower or anywhere in the method focus on the length in your extension instead of the height. It’s not about how high you can go in your Swan but instead how long you can be! Allow the Push Thru Bar to help you find your arms on your back.
Reach your heart forward as you go up. Focus on length versus lift!
-Lesley Logan
Hook one spring from the top onto your Push Thru Bar. Laying on your stomach with your head towards the Push Thru Bar carefully pull the bar down and place your hands on the bar. Make sure you wrap your thumb around the bar so that the bar can’t slip out of your hands. Align the bar with the vertical poles. Reach your legs long and behind you with your legs parallel, inner thighs up and your tailbone reaching towards your heels. Arms are straight holding the bar in line with the poles.
Without the bar pushing into your ears or your arms reaching into the bar so much your shoulders are off your back find a good relationship where the spring is helping you find your arms on your back. Then with straight arms reach your heart forward as you lift your chest forward and up. It’s tempting to allow the bar to push your chest up and back. But, instead, since you are focusing on length use the bar to find length in your lift. Then continue to reach that lift as you lower your chest down. Repeat. If going well try the full Swan.
Be sure to check out more of my Pilates Cadillac exercises. I want to help you continue your Pilates Cadillac training!