- Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced
- Equipment Needed: Spine Corrector and Pole (I love using the Contrology Spine Corrector.)
- Reps: 3 each side
- Warning: May not be ideal for hip or low back issues.
- Questions: Contact us here
Short Box Series: Tree on the Spine Corrector
The Pilates Tree is an exercise that many love and many have a strong dislike for. It’s tempting on the Reformer to hang off the strap with one leg and its hip flexors. And this causes the hips to shift, and the leg reaching to the ceiling to struggle reaching while its hip is hiking up into the same side rib. If you don’t have access to a Ladder Barrel it can be tricky to practice Tree and how you need to reach through the back of the standing leg. Because there is no strap here and it’s not a typical exercise for the Pilates Spine Corrector you may not go back as far as you would on the Reformer or Ladder Barrel. Focus your effort on squaring the hips off, reaching through the legs and finding length in two directions.
Press straight leg into your hands and pull on the leg from upper back.
Slide hips off the apex and towards the crease of the barrel. Stand in one leg as you press its foot down and energetically back. Bring the other knee into the chest, hold the back of the leg and lift tall in your waist. Open the collar bones wide as you hold the leg from where your arms meet your back.
Straighten and bend the leg 3x. Hold the leg straight as you walk your hands up your leg as close to your ankle as you can. Round your spine and work your head towards your knee and your waist as long as it can be round. Walk your hands down your leg as you pull your waist back and possibly lower back to the apex and maybe even. unfold over the barrel. Curl your head and chest up as you round up, walk up the leg and pull your head to your knee. Repeat. Switch sides and repeat on the other side. If needed give your “weaker” side an extra shot.
Be sure to check out more of my Pilates Spine Corrector exercises. I want to help you continue your Pilates Spine Corrector training!