- Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced
- Equipment Needed: Wunda chair (I love using the Balanced Body Wunda Chair.)
- Reps: 3-5 each side
- Warning: May not be suitable for some knee issues
- Questions: Contact us here
Going Up Side on the Wunda Chair
If ever there was an exercise that people wanted to skip or cheat the most, Going Upside on the Pilates Wunda Chair would be the one! It’s so hard to hold everything together, reach up and reach down and not lean so far into the top leg that the pedal does all the work. I’ll never forget the first time I learned Going Upside. My teacher told me to levitate. Yep, just rise up without leaning into my top leg. I couldn’t do it! But, if you keep trying you will be able to rise up one day without cheating. So, don’t cheat yourself on this exercise! Rise UP!
Without leaning in, press down evenly through both feet, rise up
Place one top spring and one bottom spring on the chair to start. Stand facing the chair to step on the pedal and then turn to one side. One leg goes up on top of the chair with your feet towards the front corner, knee over ankle and then the other leg straight with your foot parallel on the pedal. After you are more comfortable getting on the chair safely you can stand facing the side of the chair, stand on the pedal with your outside foot and then step on top of the chair with your inside foot and just lift right up. But, if you are new it’s better to get both feet on the pedal and then set your feet up.
Once you have your feet placed, your hands can go on your hips, out to the side or my favorite, behind your head. Without leaning into the chair try to press down evenly through both feet and rise up. If nothing happens give it another go before leaning in, because once you lean in you have to reset your shoulders over your hips. As you go up and down you will need to maintain your down stretch into your legs and lift your center up through the crown of your head. Go up and down 3-5 times and switch sides. And, if necessary repeat on the weaker side again.
Be sure to check out more of my Wunda Chair workout videos. I want to help you continue your Pilates Wunda Chair training!