- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment Needed: Wunda chair (I love using the Balanced Body Wunda Chair.)
- Reps: 5 each side
- Warning: n/a
- Questions: Contact us here
Press Down Front on the Wunda Chair
Press Down Front on the Pilates Wunda Chair looks so easy but like all Pilates exercises, it really is more than meets the eye. Once you go to lift that pedal you are going to see right away just how much you are standing in that supporting leg. And, while it’s easy to let the pedal lift your leg up you are soon going to see just how much your muscles need to match that pedal. This is a great exercise to help strengthen your Going Up Front, Front Splits and even your Single Leg pull.
Maintaining your lift press the down and lift up in your center.
With one top spring and one bottom spring on the chair stand about a foot’s distance or less away from the pedal. Then lift one leg up and place the ball of your foot on the pedal. Place your hands on your hips, out to the side or behind your head. Wherever you can, connect your arms to your back. Before you begin double-check your shoulders are over your hips, your hips are over your ankles and evenly spaced. It’s easy to hike the hip up on the pedal leg or lean out over the standing leg.
Maintaining your lift, press down into the pedal and lift up in your center. Then as if you could pull the pedal up, lift your leg and press it back down. Repeat 3-5 more times and if all goes well press the pedal down, and without locking your knee lower your heel and lift your heel then lift the pedal. Repeat that 2-3 times and then switch your legs. If necessary repeat on the weaker side.
Be sure to check out more of my Wunda Chair workout videos. I want to help you continue your Pilates Wunda Chair training!