- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment Needed: Wunda Chair (I love using the Balanced Body Wunda Chair.)
- Reps: 5-10 each side
- Warning: Not ideal for some shoulder, neck, knee or low back issues.
- Questions: Contact us here
Side Sit Ups on the Wunda Chair
Side Sit-Ups on the Pilates Wunda Chair is a smaller movement than many might believe. If you get too high you’re likely tipping your hips back to do it. Work the longest side bend while hugging your legs tightly together and you’ll find you get more strength from this exercise to support your Side Bend on the Mat and your Side to Side on the Reformer. It’s tempting to focus only on the pedal. The legs reaching will help you get more from this exercise. Work both directions!
Hug your legs together and reach your arm from your upper back to lift.
With one middle spring on your Wunda Chair lay on one hip. Place your hand on the pedal. You want your wrist as straight as possible. You may need to slide toward the front of the chair or away from the pedal so your shoulder is over your wrist. Your top arm can be along your side. Or, it can be up to the sky. Legs squeezing together. Feet flexed or pointed. Sometimes flexed and reaching into a wall or a spotter is more ideal.
Maintaining stacked hips lift the pedal up and then lower it back down. Your legs should remain reaching long from your waist. You likely will lift the pedal only a couple inches. Allow your head to follow along with your spine and keep your gaze straight ahead. Repeat 3-5x and then switch sides. If one side is stronger than the other allow the side that needs more attention to repeat the exercise.
Be sure to check out more of my Wunda Chair workout videos. I want to help you continue your Pilates Wunda Chair training!